Do You Have A Problem With Gambling?

  • Do you often gamble more than you intend to?

  • Do you chase your losses?

  • Do you gamble to escape the difficulties of life?

  • Do you gamble for the buzz?

  • Do you find that gambling has taken over your life?

  • Do you find yourself in debt because of the gambling?

  • Do you think that gambling is jeopardising your relationship?

  • Do you ever try to stop gambling and find you cannot?

  • Do you think gambling is putting your job at risk?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions then you may have.

The next step……

You can make the decision to address your addiction in a confidential and non-judgemental environment with an experienced Counsellor who has extensive knowledge of this problem area.

You can also get in touch with Gamblers Anonymous if you feel you can deal with the problem in a group setting rather than one-to-one Counselling

I have worked as a face-to-face Counsellor and Group Facilitator for Gamcare for the last seven years counselling Compulsive Gamblers.

For all enquiries please ring: 07831 592 408

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